Beat Creation

We provide complete
Beat Creation services.

We will create a custom "
Exclusive License"  Beat based on your  input & working directly with our studio "Beat Creator".

All we need is Genre
(Trap, Drill, Pop, R&B, Classic/Boom Bap etc...)
Artist Type Beat

Have a budget, we will do our absolute  best to work with you.

Call us for  more information.


Why buy our beats?


  • Exclusive License. (You own it).
  • Custom built with your input.
  • Very affordable compared to online beat  makers.
  • Includes all wav mp3 & track-outs.


(Most "custom built & exclusive license beats can be $300 or more. We charge $30 per hour to create a beat. Even the most elaborate & complex beat will NOT take 10 hours to  create. Most beats will take 2 to 5 hours to create base on what you need.)
